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terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2017

Dica de Hoje

Hello Guys!

A dica de hoje é um site super legal que vai nos ajudar a preparar as atividades desse ano de 2017!

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Preparing to go back to school

Reading a short story about a little boy that is preparing to go back to school. After this answer the questions!

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2017

QUIZ: To go back to school!

Are you ready to go back to school? Take this quiz to find out:

1- When you go to Target, how do you spend most of your time?
A. Scoping out clearance flip flops & summer wear
B. Game planning your Back to School buys
C. Regretting June’s laminator purchase b/c it’s on sale now!

2- What show do you watch before bed?
A. Lucky to make it to the evening news
B. Late night talk shows
C. Infomercials & reality show reruns

3- Lately, you find yourself pinning mostly what on Pinterest?
A. Dream vacation destinations
B. Cool décor for both your house and classroom
C. Awesome first day activities to use with your new students

4- When was the last time you checked your work email?
A. Hmmm….. June
B. This week
C. About 5 minutes ago (and again in an hour…)

5- What was on the cover of the last book you read?
A. Dangling feet, a lawyer’s briefcase or food
B. A Classroom scene, historical figure or picture related to your subject
C. No picture – just a complex, academic title on a drab background

6- What was your latest project?
A. Does my tan count?
B. Starting to organize teacher binders for the fall
C. Putting the finishing touches on next year’s curriculum

7- What time is your alarm set to wake you up each morning? 
A. What alarm? It’s summer break!
B. 8:00 AM but hit snooze no less than 5 times
C. 5:30 AM, I like to stay in the same sleep routine no matter what my schedule is.

8- Your latest Google search history reads…
A. Last minute vacation ideas
B. Teacher back to school discounts
C. Advanced techniques to integrating Common Core across the curriculum

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quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2017